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Preserving archaeology and culture for our future

Site Tours for Classrooms

Old Pueblo Archaeology Center offers guided tours to real archaeological sites for classrooms and other organized children’s groups. Heritage sites that can be visited in this program include a choice of the Picture Rocks petroglyphs site, Los Morteros Hohokam Village, or Vista del Rio Hohokam Village.

picturerock-300x202Picture Rocks Petroglyphs Site. Situated in the Tucson Mountains foot­hills along the northwestern edge of Tucson, this site contains hundreds of ancient rock symbols created by the Hohokam Indians including dancing human-like figures, whimsical animals, abstract depictions, and at least one design that was used as a calendar to mark the changes of the seasons.

losmorterosLos Morteros Hohokam Village. Hohokam In­dians lived and farmed at this ancient village site in the northwestern Tucson metro­politan area between AD 850 and 1300. The core of the site that is now pre­served in a Pima County conservation park encompas­ses thou­sands of artifacts, a large Hohokam ball­court, pithouses, refuse mounds, petro­glyphs, and the bed­rock mortars that inspired the site’s name, “Los Morteros” (Spanish for “the mortars”).

Vista del Rio Hohokam Village. A portion of this Indian village site, which originally covered nearly a quarter of a square mile, is now partly preserved in a city park in eastern Tucson. Archae­ological excavations discovered Hoho­kam pithouses, fire hearths, outdoor pits, arranged-rock features, and arti­facts dating be­tween AD 1100 and 1150. The park includes interpretive signs about the Hohokam occupation, and there are artifacts and traces of the archaeological features still visible on the surface.

The youth tour is a guided visit only. It does not include archaeological excavation, and participants are not allowed to collect artifacts. Each tour takes about one hour, not including travel time to and from the archaeological site. Tours are subject to availability of a qualified tour leader and of the owner’s permis­sion to visit the prop­erty on the requested tour date.

For a foldable brochure that provides details about the Tours for Youth program please [click here] .

To schedule a site tour, call Old Pueblo’s office at 520-798-1201.

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