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Preserving archaeology and culture for our future

Classroom Scholarships

Old Pueblo Archaeology Center of Tucson, a nonprofit educational resource center, has raised funds to help economically disadvantaged students attend our programs at reduced program rates.

To be eligible for an Old Pueblo classroom scholarship, the requesting teacher must first schedule a program with us, then fill out and return an application form. To be fair to all aid applicants, we provide financial assistance to schools based on the overall need of the school’s students, as indicated by the latest available that is on file with the Arizona Department of Education (ADE). The ADE Free and Reduced Report Free and Reduced Report lists the percentage of students in each school who are eligible for free or reduced cost meals. We consider the latest available report to be the one posted online for the current or past school year, or the ADE’s more current updated report if the new report is not yet posted online but is available for distribution from the Department. To evaluate a school’s eligibility for aid we match its latest available ADE-reported Free and Reduced percentage against our award guidelines shown in the accompanying table.

Percent of the school’s children receiving free or reduced meal support Amount of financial support paid by
Old Pueblo Classroom Scholarship

0% to 25%

0% of program fees

26% to 50%

20% of program fees

51% to 75%

50% of program fees

76% to 100%

100% of program fees

Please note: The amount of any one award will NOT exceed $350, regardless of the total program fee.

Click here for a Scholarship form to fill out.

For program details, call Old Pueblo’s office at (520) 798-1201.

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