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Preserving archaeology and culture for our future


Check out these sources of information about archaeology and cultures:


An Annotated Bibliography of the Tohono O’odham (Papago Indians), Revised Edition compiled by Bernard L. Fontana with the assistance of Michael U. Owens and Anita Badertscher.

Tohono O’odham bibliography Bunny Fontana final

This annotated bibliography compiled by University of Arizona ethnographer and librarian Bernard L. “Bunny” Fontana starting in 1956 includes sources on Mission San Xavier del Bac as well as Spanish and Mexican-period histories of the “Pimería Alta” (the traditional Tohono O’odham homeland in southern Arizona and the Mexican state of Sonora). The version originally published electronically on the Tumacácori National Historical Park (NHP) website in 2005 credited Michael U. Owens for his assistance in the compilation. Shortly after the bibliography first went online, Bunny requested submittals of additional entries for it in a message posted on the Arizona Archaeological Council’s email listserve but had to stockpile the new entries he received because he and Tumacácori NHP were by then using incompatible word-processing softwares. After Bunny provided the new entries to Tumacácori NHP in August 2014, Tumacácori NHP lost its online files for the bibliography and other documents as it changed its website to meet new National Park Service requirements. In March 2018, Tumacácori NHP Chief of Interpretation Anita Badertscher updated Bunny’s original files with all of his post-2014 entries and forwarded the revised file to Old Pueblo Archaeology Center with Tumacácori NHP’s permission to host it on Old Pueblo’s website. Tumacácori NHP plans to reformat the files that were lost from its website and repost them so that the bibliography will be available at both Old Pueblo’s and Tumacácori NHP’s websites.

All About Archaeology: From History Sites to Jewelry and Other Artifacts
This website provides understandable definitions of archaeology and archaeological sites, artifacts, features, and ecofacts, and gives information about different kinds of archaeology, some tools archaeologists use, and the importance of context – how archaeological items are related to each other and to their environment. It has many links to other good information sources.

Amerind Museum
The Amerind Foundation in Dragoon, Arizona, sponsors
an academic research center, art gallery, historic property, scenic destination, community gathering place, and, not least, a museum of Native American art, history, culture, and archaeology. Amerind works with Indigenous communities to share their traditional knowledge and arts with visitors and serves as a cultural hub for southern Arizona and beyond.

Archaeological Society of New Mexico
This society encourages study and preservation of New Mexico’s multicultural heritage. Its members include avocational archaeologists working with professionals to discuss topics of interest, to search for archaeological sites and record their locations, to participate in excavation, analysis, and report writing, and to preserve these important cultural resources.

Archaeology Southwest
This nonprofit organization, formerly known as the Center for Desert Archaeology, explores and protects the places of our past across the American Southwest and Mexican Northwest, and is renowned for its conservation-based “preservation archaeology” approach. To subscribe to its free Southwest Archaeology Today on-line news service contact its editor at sat-editor@cdarc.org.

Arizona Archaeological Council (AAC)
The AAC is a nonprofit voluntary association that promotes the goals of professional archaeologyin Arizona. Dedicated to preserving cultural resources through education and advocacy, the AAC embraces a diverse membership drawing from avocationalists, academics, private business, local com­mu­nities and federal, state and tribal agencies. Its publications include the Journal of Arizona Archaeology and the quarterly AAC Newsletter. The Arizona Archaeological Council Listserve (AAC-L) is a discussion forum for those interested in the archaeology of Arizona and the Southwest –to subscribe contact moderator Walter “Dutch” Duering at duering@stockmorehouse.com then you can post messages at AAC-L@yahoogroups.com.

Arizona Archaeological Society (AAS)
The AAS’s objectives are to foster interest and research in the archaeology of Arizona;to encourage better public understanding and concern for archaeological and cultural resources;to protect antiquities by discouraging exploitation of archaeological resources; to aid in the conservation and preservation of scientific and archaeological data and associated sites;to serve as a bond between archaeology professionals and the avocational nonprofessionals;to increase knowledge and improve the skill of members in the disciplines of archaeology; to participate in archaeological investigations and to put the information so obtained into published form; and to publish a journal and such monographs as the publications committee deems appropriate.

Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society (AAHS)
AAHS is a nonprofit, educational organization affiliated with the Arizona State Museum (ASM, see separate link below). AAHS’s objectives are to encourage scholarly pursuits in the history and anthropology of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico; to encourage the preservation of archaeological and historical sites; to encourage the scientific and legal gathering of cultural information and materials; to publish the results of archaeological, historical and ethnographic investigations; to aid in the functions and programs of the ASM; and to provide educational opportunities through lectures, field trips,and other activities. AAHS provides a forum for professionals in archaeology and related fields as well as the general public to share their common interests and enthusiasm for the Southwest’s rich cultural history. Activities, announced monthly in the newsletter, Glyphs, provide educational and social opportunities to explore these interests. The Society’s internationally recognized, professional, quarterly journal, Kiva, publishes original research in southwestern anthropology and history.

Arizona Site Stewards

Would you like to get involved in protecting and preserving the cultural resources and heritage of Arizona? The Site Stewards program is an excellent way to do so. You not only get to see a lot of archaeological sites and learn a lot about southwestern archaeology as a Site Steward, you also get to help archaeologists and land managers keep tabs on and conserve important archaeological sites.

Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona (ASM)
The Arizona State Museum in Tucson is the oldest and largest anthropology museum in the Southwest. Click on “Programs” to find information on its collections, galleries, research library, archive and photo collections, an online calendar and highlights of upcoming events; exhibits; tours (including school tours); museum education; and related links.

Colorado Archaeological Society
The Colorado Archaeological Society is a nonprofit organization committed to the stewardship of archaeological resources in Colorado. It achieves this through public education, research, conservation, advocacy, and enhanced opportunities for responsible participation in archaeology for interested individuals and organizations.

Deer Valley Petroglyph Preserve (DVPP)
Managed by Arizona State University’s School of Human Evolution and Social Change, this preserve in northern Phoenix offers a self-guided, quarter-mile nature trail featuring prehistoric petroglyphs, native desert plants, and animals in their natural habitat. DVPP also houses historical research data about the property and its petroglyphs and displays of on-going southwestern archaeology research by ASU faculty and students. Opportunities to explore and learn more about the site and Indigenous cultures are available through guided tours, publications and on-going lectures series.

Friends of Canoa Heritage Foundation
The mission of the Friends of Canoa is to preserve, protect, restore, interpret, and share the land, cultural influence, and history of the Canoa Heritage Area that is centered on the Santa Cruz River Valley south of Tucson. The organization celebrates the region’s Hohokam and Upper Santa Cruz Valley cultures of pre-Columbian times, and the O’odham, Yoeme (Yaqui), Apache, Spanish, Mexican, and Anglo-American peoples who have lived there historically.

Historic Summary of Pima County
This well-illustrated document provides a quick overview of the people and cultures who have occupied southern Arizona in the past, beginning with the Paleoindian period more than 10,000 years ago to the Statehood period that began on Saint Valentine’s Day 1912.

Maxwell Museum of Anthropology
Located on the campus of the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, the Maxwell Museum is one of the nation’s finest anthropology museums. It offers exhibits and programs relating to cultures around the world, with a special emphasis on the cultural heritage of the Southwest.

Mesa Prieta Petroglyph Project
The Mesa Prieta Petroglyph Project is a nonprofit organization that seeks to record and preserve what may be well over 100,000 petroglyphic rock images on Mesa Prieta, in the northern Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico, through education of the local community and others.

New Mexico Archaeological Council (NMAC)
NMAC is a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to maintain and promote the goals of professional archaeology in the State of New Mexico. Its goals are to promote archaeological research within New Mexico and disseminate knowledge arising from that research; to promote awareness of New Mexico’s cultural resources among public agencies, corporations, and members of the public; to encourage the legal protection of cultural resources; and to encourage high standards for professional archaeology. Direct general inquiries to nmarchaeologicalcouncil@gmail.com. To subscribe to the NMAC listserve (NM-ARCH-L) contact list manager David Phillips at dogoszhi@gmail.com.

New Mexico SiteWatch
The SiteWatch program coordinates a network of trained volunteers who monitor prehispanic and historic resources on New Mexico public, private and tribal lands in their communities. Archaeological sites, historic buildings and places, trails, neon signs, bridges and structures are adopted by site stewards who routinely monitor them for signs of erosion, wear and tear, vandalism, and looting.

S’edav Va’aki Museum

The S’edav Va’aki Museum, formerly known as the Pueblo Grande Museum & Archaeological Park, is a gateway to the cultural history of the Phoenix area. This City of Phoenix property preserves the largest surviving platform mound (a pyramid-like structure that served as a central place for its surrounding communities) of the ancient Hohokam, who are called the Ancestral Sonoran Desert People by S’edav Va’aki Museum in accordance with the wishes of the Phoenix area’s Native American communities. Also present are a Hohokam ballcourt, reconstructed replicas of Hohokam housing structures, an interpretive trail with signage, and the museum itelf, which features extensive exhibits, educational resources, tours, other events, and outreach programs about the archaeology and history of southern Arizona. The Park of Four Waters, which is adjacent to the main Museum property and can be visited only when public tours are offered, preserves the headworks of four major Hohokam canals that were drawn from the Salt River it irrigate Hohokam fields as far as 27 miles away from the river.

S’edav Va’aki Museum Foundation (SVMF)
This affiliate organization and advisory group for the City of Phoenix’s S’edav Va’aki Museum (formerly known as the Pueblo Grande Museum) was incorporated in 1981 and was previously known as the Pueblo Grande Museum Auxiliary and the Friends of Pueblo Grande Museum. Its objectives include bringing together people with an interest in the conservation and preservation of archaeological resources (especially of Arizona’s Salt River Valley), assisting the S’edav Va’aki Museum and staff in dispersing educational materials, providing lecturers and tour guides, assisting in preparation of exhibits, library cataloguing and management, collection management, curatorial and conservation techniques, records management and research, and organizing, publicizing, and promoting activities, events, and fundraising for the S’edav Va’aki Museum. The SVMF also operates the Museum store and offers presentations, workshops such as pottery and basketry making, and children’s educational programs, and its trained volunteer docents to serve as tour guides and interpreters for the Museum.

Southwestern Mission Research Center (SMRC)
SMRC is an all-volunteer nonprofit organization committed to the cause of supporting Spanish Borderlands research and education. SMRC’s Revista newsletter publishes articles and book reviews about the historical Spanish Borderlands, and the SMRC mission tours introduce people to the history and culture of the Pimería Alta and other Spanish Borderlands regions. Proceeds from the tours enable SMRC to sponsor important scholarship on a broader level, assist with publications, and promote education, as well as engage in cooperative restoration projects with the mission communities.

Utah Statewide Archaeological Society
This organization’s purposes include sharing appreciation and understanding of the rich culture history of Utah and engaging the public in the protection and preservation of the state’s heritage resources; sponsoring and encouraging the formation and development of chapters in the state of Utah to preserve and protect the ancient heritage of Utah for the mutual benefit and enjoyment of all; publishing a periodic newsletter to the members, and an annual journal, Utah Archaeology; and encouraging the establishment of local museums.

Verde Valley Archaeology Center (VVAC)
The mission of this Arizona nonprofit organization is to preserve archaeological sites and collections and to promote their educational, scientific and cultural use. VVAC’s vision includes having the resources to accept and preserve archaeological artifacts and to make them available for research and education; working in partnership with American Indians, cultural groups and the communities it serves; fostering a deeper understanding of human history through the science of archaeology and the cultural artifacts that remain; and sharing VVAC’s knowledge and experience as a model dedicated to cultural preservation.


Archaeological Conservancy
This nonprofit organization, established in 1980, relies on membership support to acquire and preserve America’s most important archaeological sites, and publishes American Archaeology magazine. Old Pueblo Archaeology Center has arranged for owners of several private properties in Arizona to donate significant archaeological sites to the Conservancy so that they can be protected and preserved for future research.

Archaeology for the Public
This Society for American Archaeology page includes links for Teaching Archaeology and for Public Outreach.

Bone Yard
Can you tell the difference between archaeology and paleontology? Bone Yard is a paleontology (not to be confused with archaeology!) game in which you can assemble bones using a simple click and drag system.

Crow Canyon Archaeological Center
In addition to offering campus-based education programs in Colorado, Crow Canyon engages in distance-learning and public-outreach initiatives, and provides resources for students and teachers.

Dental Analysis in Archaeology
Sink your teeth into this site, which provides a great overview of how the study of teeth helps archaeologists, paleoanthropologists, and others understand our human past.

Demystifying Careers in CRM
Interested in starting a career as an archaeologist? Most archaeology jobs in the U.S. today are with private companies that perform cultural resource management (CRM) services, which include identifying and appropriately treating archaeological and historical sites and objects, historically or architecturally significant structures or buildings, historical landscapes, and traditional cultural places. This blog post from one such company, Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, provides great ideas to help aspiring archaeologists prepare for a career in CRM.

Society for American Archaeology (SAA)
The SAA is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector. Since its inception in 1934, SAA has endeavored to stimulate interest and research in American archaeology; to advocate and aid in the conservation of archaeological resources; to encourage public access to and appreciation of archaeology; to oppose all looting of sites and the purchase and sale of looted archaeological materials; and to serve as a bond among those interested in the archaeology of the Americas.

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