Old Pueblo Archaeology Center has completed excavations at the CNN Camp Bell archaeological site located in Tucson, Arizona.
Preliminary archaeological testing by Old Pueblo has revealed that the Hohokam utilized the site sometime between A.D. 750 and 1450. The Hohokam, ancient desert farmers of south-central Arizona, are known for their distinctive pithouse style of architecture, irrigation systems, shell jewelry-making, and pottery. Old Pueblo’s research at the CNN Camp Bell site is focusing on issues such as finding out whether the site was a campsite or a small residential village, if the Hohokam lived there year-round, the types of foods they cultivated and used, trade, and the nature of their household organization. Join our team of professional archaeologists for a day (or more) and learn about archaeological excavation, preservation, and current archaeological research. For more information on the archaeology at this site contact Allen Dart at adart@oldpueblo.org or 520-798-1201.
Old Pueblo is currently looking for a new site for the fall excavation season.