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Spring Equinox Tour to Los Morteros and Picture Rocks Petroglyphs Archaeological Sites

March 20 @ 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Join Old Pueblo Archaeology Center’s “Spring Equinox Tour to Los Morteros and Picture Rocks Petroglyphs Archaeological Sites” with archaeologist Allen Dart on Thursday, March 20, 2025, from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon. Guests will be departing from near Silverbell Rd. and Linda Vista Blvd. in Marana, Arizona.

The 2025 vernal equinox occurs on Thursday March 20, 2025 at 2:01 am Mountain Standard Time (9:01 am Greenwich Mean Time). To celebrate the equinox day (but not the exact time!) and explore ancient people’s recognition of equinoxes and other calendrical events, archaeologist Allen Dart (Old Pueblo Archaeology Center’s executive director) leads this tour to Los Morteros, an ancient village site that includes a Hohokam ballcourt, bedrock mortars, and other archaeological features; and to Picture Rocks, where ancient petroglyphs include a solstice and equinox calendar marker, dancing human-like figures, whimsical animals, and other rock symbols made mostly Hohokam Indians between 800 and 1100 CE. An equinox calendar petroglyph at the site exhibits a specific interaction with a ray of sunlight on the morning of each equinox regardless of the hour and minute of the actual celestial equinox, so participants in this tour will see that sunlight interaction with the calendar glyph unless clouds block the sunlight.

Requested donation is $35 donation ($28 for Old Pueblo Archaeology Center and S’edav Va’aki Museum Foundation members), which helps cover Old Pueblo’s tour expenses and supports its education programs about archaeology and traditional cultures. Registration and prepayment are due 10 days after reservation request or by 5 pm Monday March 17, whichever is earlier: 520-798-1201 or info@oldpueblo.org.

Caption: Equinox “sun dagger” on spiral petroglyph at Picture Rocks site, Pima County, Arizona, photo by Tom Herrick

Flyer: 20250320(v1)LosMorteros&PictureRocksSpringEquinoxTour


March 20
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Category:


Allen Dart


Silverbell Rd/Linda Vista Blvd

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