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“A Balance to Keep: Matriarch, Veteran, and Belonging to Traditional Tohono O’odham Lands South of the U.S. Border” Zoom presentation by Ana Antone (Tohono O’odham)

September 14, 2021 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

On Tuesday, September 14, 2021, join Old Pueblo Archaeology Center’s third in a series of Indigenous Interests presentations with “A Balance to Keep: Matriarch, Veteran, and Belonging to Traditional Tohono O’odham Lands South of the U.S. Border” by Ana Antone (Tohono O’odham). This free Zoom online presentation will be held from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. ARIZONA/Mountain Standard Time (same as Pacific Daylight Time).

Tohono O’odham Nation Elder Ana Antone was born and raised in a community called Ce:dagi Wahia (Paso Verde in Spanish, Green Wells in English) “on the Mexico side of the reservation.” She and her brothers and sisters went to elementary school in San Miguel Village on the U.S. side of the Tohono O’odham Lands. When she turned 17, she enlisted in the U.S. Marines and served during the Vietnam War. After discharge, she moved back to the Tohono O’odham Nation where she raised her two children and worked for the Tribal Education Program and the Tribal Health Department. In this presentation Ms. Antone will talk about her work that is dedicated to speaking for the rights of Tohono O’odham communities on Mexico’s side of the U.S.-Mexico boundary, through advocating for their U.S. citizenship and the rights that are afforded with recognition. She and her son, daughter and grandchildren continue to go back and forth, trying to do what they can to be in balance with their rights as Tohono O’odham, “People of the Desert.”

Old Pueblo Archaeology Center’s “Indigenous Interests” free Zoom webinar series, hosted by Old Pueblo Board of Directors members Martina Dawley (Hualapai-Diné) and Maegan Lopez (Tohono O’odham) and made possible by a grant from Arizona Humanities, provides Native American presenters with a forum for discussing issues important to Indigenous peoples today.

To register for the program go to https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_un0AQ7scTO2G4ogLvk5AHQ. For more information contact Old Pueblo at info@oldpueblo.org or 520-798-1201.

Photo caption: Map showing Tohono O’odham districts in the U.S. and entryways to Tohono O’odham community areas in Mexico.

Flyer: 20210914(v2)IndigenousInterests_AnaAntone_ABalanceToKeep-Matriarch,VeteranAndBelongingToTraditionalTohonoO’odhamLandsSouthOfTheUSBorder


September 14, 2021
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
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